TALETE Autostaking Protocol (TAP) -a new way to keep APY high in your crypto

About TALETE CODE The APY in $TALETE Token is a measure of the rate of return on your principal tokens amount by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. This means that you will be earning interest on your interest. For example, if your $TALETE balance earns a 1% interest rate per year, on your first day you earn 0.01% interest on your primary balance. On your second day, you will earn 0.01% on your principal plus the interest from day 1. This continues each day until you have earned 1% on your principal for the year. TALETE Autostaking Protocol (TAP) is a new way to earn high, fixed APYs on your crypto. TAP pays out more than any other yield protocol and has the potential to put more profits in your pocket. Here’s why: TAP’s unique price stability mechanism provides a fixed APY that cannot be manipulated by whales, bots or team members TAP rewards holders every 10 minutes, not just once a day like other yield protocols TAP rewards rebasing tokens that can increas...