Explain and answer about project revenue
Questions and Answers
Will The Project End After A Certain Time?
One of the project’s assumptions is that a specific relationship is created between token holders, who are more willing to use the services of a given company, and the company which, thanks to cooperation under Revenue, gains access to clients and technologies of partner companies. It would not be beneficial for either party to terminate this symbiosis.
How Does Revenue Capital Allocate Funding To Increase RevCoin’s Value?
As an operator, Revenue Capital acquires Coins and ensures their liquidity. Following the agreement with Revenue Capital, partner companies will transfer a particular part of their revenues to Revenue Capital. Revenue Capital will allocate half of these revenues to buy and burn Coins, with the other half being assigned to finance further projects to increase Coin’s value.
What Kind Of Companies Can Join The Revenue Capital Accelerator?
The Revenue project targets companies providing services to investors with ready- made technologies at the commercialisation stage, and the funding they receive will directly increase revenues. An important aspect will lie in attractiveness and whether the Revenue Coin community will use the company’s services. An essential parameter for selecting companies is a pre-tested business model in which the proportion of expected annual revenues to funding ratio is at least 4:1. In this way, the partner company gains access to the technologies of other partners and access to a group of clients. Therefore, the Revenue project will focus on technology companies offering trading tools, investor websites, market makers, investment advisory firms, asset tokenization companies and EFT, centralised and decentralised exchanges, blockchain companies in the area of finance and investment.
Can I Exchange Coins For Services?
Yes. Revenue Coin is a functional token that can be used to pay for the services of partner companies.
Who Decides Which Projects Receive Funding From Revenue Capital?
Decisions on selecting projects are taken by the Programme Council, composed of at least five experts. Click here to see who sits on our Programme Council. The final decision on whether or not the project will receive the funding is taken by ReVCoin holders by a vote.
Will Each Accelerated Company Allocate 10% Of Its Revenue To Drive Up The Token’s Value?
Each company individually negotiates the percentage of revenues to be transferred to the accelerator. This percentage depends on the amount of capital injection received.
If A Company Has A Low-margin Business Model, Is There A Different Settlement Model That Can Be Used To Obtained Funding?
According to the assumptions of the Revenue project, funding will be provided to companies that have a common customer base and synergy between technologies. These companies deal with investing and providing services to investors. If these primary conditions have been met and the business model generates appropriate amounts to increase the token’s value in exchange for the capital received, such funding will be possible.
Will Portfolio Companies Be Able To Resign From Participating In The Revenue Project?
Revenue Capital acts as a project operator and represents the interests of RevCoin owners. It is also a party to agreements with the companies that received capital injections. These agreements will provide appropriate safeguards to hedge against changes in the economic situation on the market and in companies. Cooperation with companies may take different forms, so Revenue Capital will also be able to act in the interest of RevCoin and decide on the termination of the partnership with the companies and their removal from the accelerator.
Where Can I Sell RevCoins?
RevCoins will be listed on both centralised and decentralised exchanges. Liquidity reserves will be established from the proceeds obtained and tokens issued. Revenue Capital will use it to ensure that tokens can be bought and sold at a time chosen by the token owners.
What Is The Purchase Price Of RevCoins?
The initial purchase price of RevCoin is USD 0.012 or the equivalent in another currency or cryptocurrency.
How Can I Buy RevCoins?
RevCoins can be purchased at Pre-ICO if you are the addressee of the purchase proposal or during ICO Public Sale at revcoin.io. After the end of the sale, RevCoin may be purchased at the indicated stages.
How Is Revenue Capital Financed?
Ten percent of the proceeds from the sale of tokens are allocated to Revenue Capital’s operating activities. In addition, Revenue Capital holds a token fund (15%) which can be used to support companies participating in the project in their marketing campaigns and acquire customers by concluding relevant agreements with these companies. Revenue Capital may also render different consultancy services related to marketing, sale and raising funds and receive a fee in this respect.
How Much Can I Earn Buying and Investing in RevCoins?
RevCoin offers those who want to allocate part of their capital to a risky but potentially very profitable project. Given the risk of the project, profits are expected to exceed the initial contribution several times.
Is It Safe To Invest In RevCoins?
The acquisition of RevCoin is an investment in a new project and young, fast-growing enterprises from the cryptocurrency market. An international team of experts ensures the security of this investment. The project is based on ready-made technologies, operational business models, and attractive pricing of the token extending the asset’s appeal from the point of view of its security. In addition, the safety of the invested funds is increased by the participation of many companies, unlike other projects based on the activities of a single company. Failure of one company does not necessarily mean the end of the project, which is precisely the case in other projects.
What Is Revenue Coin?
Revenue Coin or RevCoin is a functional revenue token with the permanent ability to invest in companies from the crypto market and earn money due to the increasing value of the token. RevCoin features investment and payment functions.
When Can I Get RevCoins?
The issue of tokens is planned as part of a public offer. Once completed, the tokens will be distributed.
Why Is There No Hard Cap In The RevCoin ICO Campaign And What Does It Mean For Investors?
The absence of a Hard Cap will allow the project to raise as many funds as possible, which can then be invested in new projects. A more significant number of companies taking part in the project means lower risk to the RevCoin project and its owners and a tremendous potential for cooperation and the possibility of using synergies between the companies. This will directly translate into an increase in the revenues of these companies and an increase in RevCoin’s value. The absence of a Hard Cap does not directly imply an increase in the number of tokens issued, as the amount of funds will increase, driven by the rise in Coin’s price at ICO as the sale goes on.
Is there any vesting plan for tokens acquired during private and public sale?
Yes. The tokens received are released gradually (according to the vesting plan): 20% of tokens are released after TGE, 2% of the Tokens shall be vested every subsequent week until all Tokens are released.
Coins will be available for claiming, 7 days after TGE. Tokens will be released according to the vesting schedule: 20% immediately, then 2% every subsequent week. TGE is planned for 6th of December 2021. You will be able to claim them through smart contract using our website.
Revcoin Distribution
The RevCoin project provides for the sale of tokens with an initial value of USD 0.012 each. The establishment of a Hard Cap is not contemplated. The expected value of tokens sold is USD 50,000,000.
The basic distribution of RevCoin
Revenue Capital will generate 8,888,888,000 RevCoin tokens, allocating 50% of them (4,444,444,000) for sale during a closed/ private offer (AKA: Pre ICO; Private Sale, Pre Sale) and open/ public (otherwise: Public ICO; ICO Public Sale or Public Sale) and the remaining 50% (4,444,444,000) for promotional and operating activities.
Distribution of RevCoin sale
• Closed offer sale (Pre ICO)
In the closed offer (pre ICO), tokens with a bonus are earmarked for sale. The bonus will concern allocating an additional number of tokens to investors that previously subscribed in a private offer.
• Public Sale ICO
As part of the Public Sale ICO, tokens will be earmarked for sale at USD 0.012. Despite the absence of a Hard Cap, the token acquisition offer will be limited in time.
Distribution of proceeds from the sale of tokens
The proceeds from the sale of RevCoin tokens will be distributed as follows:
Figure 15. Distribution of sold tokens.

• Investments in prospective startups (80%)
At least 80% of the proceeds from the sale of RevCoins will be earmarked for activities aimed at increasing their value. This is a clear signal on the ICO projects market. Until now, no project has allocated more than 50-60% of proceeds to product-related activities.
• Operating activities (10%)
This budget will be allocated to Revenue Capital’s operating activities. Revenue Capital’s task is to manage the portfolio of investment projects and buy back tokens from the market. In addition, the operational budget provides for scouting of new projects, an analysis of the potential of the selected projects and their integration into the Revenue Capital ecosystem.
• Marketing (5%)
The purpose of the marketing budget is to increase the popularity of RevCoin, its payment functions and the common Revenue Programme. These measures will increase the number of customers using RevCoin and the companies’ revenues involved in the project.
• Liquidity reserve (5%)
The liquidity budget will be allocated to RevCoin liquidity management activities on the exchanges that list RevCoin.
Distribution of tokens held by Revenue Capital
The other half of the tokens will be used for promotional and project-related activities linked to the operations of Revenue Capital. Their distribution will be as follows:
Figure 16. Distribution of tokens held by Revenue Capital.

• Fund (30%)
It collects tokens intended for the operating activities of Revenue Capital and provides RevCoin tokens to the companies involved in the project. The companies will not be able to sell their tokens, but they can use them in their marketing campaigns to acquire new customers, increasing revenues in the Revenue project and the tokens’ value.
• Team (20%)
The tokens received are released gradually (according to the vesting plan):
• 20% of tokens are released after 1 year from being awarded
• 2% of the Tokens shall be vested every subsequent week until all Tokens are released
This scheme encourages the team to continue to be highly involved in project success and improves its motivation throughout project development.
• Marketing and sales (20%)
Activities related to the involvement of influencer groups and the activation of channels under their control to promote the Revenue Capital projects.
• Liquidity (10%)
Keeping capital reserves for unforeseen operational needs (RevCoin tokens are assets holding a company’s reserve capital).
• Advisory team (10%)
Advisers involved in selecting future portfolio projects to be covered by Revenue Capital receive their salary both in fiat money and in RevCoins.
• Community (10%)
The members of our community actively participating in the scouting of new portfolio projects and committed to the process of testing new products introduced by Revenue Capital portfolio projects will be rewarded in additional RevCoins.
More complete information about project revenue :
WEB : https://revenuecoin.io/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/revenuecoinENG
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/RevenueCoin
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/revenuecoin/
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/revenuecoin/
LINKEDIN : https://www.linkedin.com/company/revenuecapital/
YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VcN35ns7XcGwFuRLKkD5g
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